My Element Water

My Element Water

Swen Brady Carnivore / Germany / 2021 / 20 min

A documentary about a swimmer seeking challenges in her comfort element

Trigger Warning
This clip shows BDSM related violent scenes.
All participants in the clip were educated in advance.

The 25-year-old Madame A was a former long distance competitive swimmer. Connected with water since she can remember, she now seeks to find her boundaries in the nature of something so familiar. As breathing was the first thing she was taught to learn, she now meets for a challenge where it‘s being taken away.

PUSHING BOUNDARIES: Shorts / 4 pm – Nov 6 / Grand Illusion Cinema

Director Biography – Swen Brandy Carnivore

Swen Brandy is a 45-year-old photographer and film maker from Germany. In his playshootings, he combines BDSM scenarios with photography, often resulting in personal challenges and intense experiences for the models. In 2020, he began creating short films and clips in addition to his photography work, and publishes them under the label Carnividz. Aside from his shootings, he works as a graphic designer and passes on his knowledge on body and mind work as a kink educator.

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