SECS Fest 2019 – Film Programs / Schedule

Out of this World (90 min) –

Enter a magical fantasy land exploring erotic encounters with  witches, extraterrestrial life, and even a lonely robot monster seeking love.

September 7 – 2 pm – Grand Illusion CinemaTickets

Film List:

The Breath of Celia (15 min)
Moana. Ocean. Sea (3 min)
I am Lucie Bee (13 min)
A Sunday Hike (14 min)
Ro-Boob: The Farting Robot Monster (10 min)
EXPERIMENT H21 (13 min)
MACHINE (2 min)
SWITCH (18 min)

(W/HOLE)  (96 min)

(W/HOLE) is an evening-length film created by queer/feminist porn collective AORTA films in collaboration with performance company the A.O. Movement Collective. This feature length film seeks to explore the incredible potency of queer hedonism, specifically how the authentic performativity of kink and queer porn can evolve trauma into orgasm, and grief into politically radical, transformative, body-based joy.

September 7 – 4:30 pm – Grand Illusion CinemaTickets

Kink & Cake (75 min)

A sometimes humorous glimpse into deviance that is certain to make you hungry for more.

September 7 – 6:30 pm – Grand Illusion Cinema Tickets

Film List:

Put Your Feet Up (21 min)
How to Cock a Cake (5 min)
Morsures (9 min)
Sissy: A Slut Documentary (10 min)
DUST (12 min)
Brunch on Bikes (3 min)
DRIVEN (13 min)

Love Lessons (90 min)

Transformative shorts that explore the human condition with humor and messages of self-love, acceptance, and a plenty of paint.

September 7 – 9 pm – Grand Illusion CinemaTickets

Film List

PSA (16 min)
Threesome (3 min)
Sex Tapes: Lessons from a 7 ft Penis & Friends (9 min)
After the Conversation, They Say Goodbye with an Embrace (20 min)
Me Time (11 min)
Linger (8 min)
Alla Prima (20 min)



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